Why Direct Sunlight Is So Bad For LDPE Storage

LDPE plastic sheeting is an inexpensive and durable product that's suitable for food storage and similar purposes. However, LDPE is known for having lower heat resistance and having a tendency to suffer damage when left in direct sunlight for too long. If the LDPE sheets are stored indoors, you might not think that the sun would be that much of an issue, but they can still get heated through glass and because of the ever-present UV rays.

UV Ray Exposure and Heat

Both UV rays and heat can make LDPE fail prematurely, in particular making the plastic develop cracks or lose plasticity. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter if the LDPE is stored inside. Sunlight on a hot day can transfer very easily through glass windows. Even if the windows are double-pane, enough heat can get through to make the plastic less durable overtime when the storage area is in a very hot environment. Climate control does help, but direct sunlight can still be a problem because of the UV rays. Think about any furniture and carpeting that you have near windows. These can fade more quickly than items kept away from the windows; that effect is due to UV ray exposure. LDPE plastic might not fade, but it can become brittle, cracking and tearing more easily.

They Don't Have to Be at Extreme Levels to Cause Damage

Keep in mind that the heat and UV rays don't have to be at extreme levels. Even a typical summer day with bright sunlight shining right on the LDPE on high-temperature days can be a problem if the plastic is constantly exposed to this environment. So, it's not just those heatwaves you have to worry about.

Ways to Mitigate

Fortunately, you can still store LDPE without totally hiding it away. Just make sure that any stored in areas where it's exposed to direct sunlight gets used up quickly; for longer storage, ensure the storage area is climate-controlled, and place shades or screens on any windows to filter UV rays. Window films made for single- or dual-pane windows are easy to find. Also, inspect the LDPE every once in a while to ensure nothing has gone wrong.

The manufacturer of the LDPE that you get may have more specific storage instructions, so follow those to best protect the LDPE. The product may be inexpensive, but you still want to preserve what you have, rather than having to replace it prematurely. Click here to continue reading more about LDPE sheets or contact a supplier.
